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Introduction to the Interactive Report

The aim of this Interactive Report is to resent the main results of the primary research that was implemented within the VISE project among startuppers and potential entrepreneurs in the countries Greece, Spain, Italy, Poland and Denmark.

The primary research included the distribution of surveys amongst potential entrepreneurs and startuppers, as well as research in focus groups with the participation of a representative sample of the target groups from each of the participating countries.

This comparative report summarizes the main results retrieved and presents the skills that were chosen to be targeted by the training program under development of the Vise Integrated Startup Ecosystem according to the needs analysis in the participating countries.

Potential entrepreneurs

The participants that answered the questionnaire as potential entrepreneurs were asked to specify the approximate timeline of the entrepreneurial activity. The majority of them responded that they are planning to establish their startup later in the future, but they cannot specify the timeline in the period within the next 2 years.



As analysed in the country and experience level, the ranking of the entrepreneurial skills and competences, is depending on and being affected from multiple factors. The same applies to the perception of our own level of accomplishment or performance, towards those skills and competences. The following table was created after the careful reading of all national reports and presents the main conclusions from the survey analysis.

The skills that are marked with green are the ones that considered as most important by the respondents or have the lowest performance (according to the respondents) and therefore are in need of further development.

The skills that are marked with red are the ones that are of no interest for the respondents, as they are not considered as crucial for the entrepreneurial success or they are very developed and therefore the project should not focus on them.

The skills that are marked with grey are the ones that are not considered as important and are not underdeveloped as well. Those skills should not be prioritized within the next steps of the project.

Survey results Denmark Greece Italy Spain Poland Portugal
Ideas & opportunities Spotting opportunities
Valuing ideas
Ethical and sustainable thinking
Resources Self awareness and self efficacy
Motivation and perseverance
Mobilising resources
Financial and economic literacy
Mobilising others
Into action Taking the initiative
Planning and management
Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk
Working with others
Learning through experience

All partners have conducted research in focus groups using the guidelines and templates that were created collaboratively by the partners. Following, we have summarized the results and conclusions from the research in focus groups and have used the same coding (green/grey) as in the previous section, to present them.

The skills that are marked with green are the ones that are agreed by the participants that need to be incorporated in the following outputs of the project.

Survey results Denmark Greece Italy Spain Poland Portugal
Ideas & opportunities Spotting opportunities
Valuing ideas
Ethical and sustainable thinking
Resources Self awareness and self efficacy
Motivation and perseverance
Mobilising resources
Financial and economic literacy
Mobilising others
Into action Taking the initiative
Planning and management
Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk
Working with others
Learning through experience

In this part, the results from both stages of the primary research will matched in order to conclude in 2 skills from each area of the EntreComp Framework, that will be developed in the following stages of the project. In the following table, highlighted with red are the 6 skills that will be developed within the next stages of the project.

Ideas & opportunities Spotting opportunities
Valuing ideas
Ethical and sustainable thinking
Resources Self awareness and self efficacy
Motivation and perseverance
Mobilising resources
Financial and economic literacy
Mobilising others
Into action Taking the initiative
Planning and management
Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk
Working with others
Learning through experience